© Foto Julia Doberitz
The Schwebebahn is the main landmark and the most important means of transport in Wuppertal. It transports over 65000 people per day.
The suspension railway was built over the Wupper river and follows it for a large distance. However, a small section was also built off the Wupper, this part runs over the motorway and between the house fronts in the Sonnborn and Vohwinkel districts.
Mostly people only connect Wuppertal with the Schwebebahn, however there are many more amazing things to do and see in the largest city of the “Bergisches Land”!
Der Toelleturm

© Foto Christian Stöckmann
Der Toelleturm steht auf einer Höhe von 330 m über NN. Er liegt am Rande des Barmer Waldes, der zu den weitläufigen Barmer Anlagen gehört, einer der größten privaten Parkanlagen Deutschlands. Der runde, sich nach oben verjüngende Turm aus Beyenburger Grauwacke ist 26,25 m hoch und hat einen Durchmesser von 7,70 m am Fuß sowie 5,14 m am oberen Ende. Er ist zweischalig gemauert, wobei der Zwischenraum mit einem Zyklopenmauerwerk aus unbehauenem Stein und ungerichteten Fugen gefüllt ist. Über eine Außentreppe gelangt man zu einem 7 m über dem Plateau gelegenen Umgang. Danach führen 146 Stufen zu einer Aussichtsplattform, die über eine Wendeltreppe zu erreichen ist.
Holsteiner Treppe

© Foto Julia Doberitz
This staircase was part of the art project "7 stairs", which was designed by the Elisabeth Montag Foundation in cooperation with the city of Wuppertal and “Regionale 2006” Additional support of the Ministry of Building, Housing, Urban Development and Transport in autumn 2006.
The Holsteiner stairs are one of many stairs in Wuppertal, each of which has their own unique name.
Wuppertal is interspersed with wall and bridge paintings. Numerous pictures can be admired in particular on the Nordbahntrasse (a former railway line, now public walking/cycle path).

© Foto Christa Mrozek
The " Big city in the green " stretches along the river Wupper and has numerous viewpoints on offer.
It is therefore not surprising, if you have to walk up and down stairs every now and then, all of which have their own names (e.g. Holsteiner stairs).
With a greeter it is possible to discover all the corners of the city, such as the cultural and creative district Utopia City - find it at your next greet!